More mikvaos in Eretz Yisroel is more Jewish families rooted in taharah

You can be the reason a woman starts going to mikvah. The reason dozens of small Israeli communities finally have a mikvah of their own. The reason every new generation is born pure. The reason her family – and your family – brings the zechus of taharah home.

Partner today
80 years of history and impact
Average projects a year
Mikvaos built or renovated since 1942
Average Increase Of Appointments Post-Renovations
Mikvaos regularly supervised to maintain kashrus
Kashrus-related concerns noticed and repaired annually
Teams of mashgichim inspect Different Mikvaos Every Day
32 mikvaos
currently in process across Eretz Yisroel

Enter yomim norai’m with the merit of taharah on your side

Thousands of women currently keep taharas hamishpacha because of Merkaz L’Taharah Hamishpacha, and with your partnership, we can bring that merit to thousands more.

“Anyone who assists Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha should be rewarded by having Hashem provide assistance for him and all of his offspring and descendants.
Rav Aharon Leib Steinman
“Praiseworthy is anyone who is involved or lends a hand to strengthen purity. Tahara is a fortification that has protected us in every generation, and every Jew is obligated to contribute as much as he can monetarily to this cause.”
Rav Shlomke of Zh’vil
Founder, Merkaz L'Taharas HaMishpacha
Anyone who donates to Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha, which was founded by previous Gedolei Yisroel, will be blessed with much nachas from his children, with health and Divine light and success in business.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky

Join an 80-year legacy of increasing taharah across Eretz Yisroel

Since 1942, Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha built and renovated more than 1,150 mikvaos in Israel – particularly in communities where women wouldn’t keep the mitzvah if there's no nice mikvah.

“We try to keep our mikvah clean, but there’s a limit to how much you can do about leaks, about cracks in the tiles, about general damage from decades and decades of use. Right now, it’s very common that women in our community go only once in their life. When they see what a mikvah is, they never come back.

Balanit (mikvah attendant), Mesilat Tzion

“I taught a woman before her wedding and she did not want to toivel, but she agreed to go just that one time. When she saw the mikvah for the first time, she couldn’t stop saying, ‘Wow, it’s a spa!’ And you know what? She’s been back every month since. She told me herself — if it weren't so nice, her first time would have also been her last.”

Liran, Balanit, Nacham

When you make her mitzvah possible, the zechus is yours too

It’s a constant, ongoing mission – one dozens of gedolim have come out to support. And it has powerful, life-changing results – with thousands of women now keeping taharas hamishpacha. But it requires steady, ongoing commitment – from people like you, who care about the purity of fellow Yidden and the sanctity of Jewish homes in Eretz Yisroel.

With your gift of “טהרה,” you bring the merit of their tevillos into your home as well.

Generations are in jeopardy

Some communities are so small the government won’t fund their mikvah.

Some communities have a mikvah, but it’s in such disrepair that no one wants to use it.

And some communities have a mikvah, but it’s so dilapidated that it’s no longer kosher.

“There are cases you could call tragedies — where a woman went to mikvah and it turned out that the mikvah was not kosher. But Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha takes responsibility. We will not take the risk of a woman going to a mikvah and seeing a sign on the door that says, ‘the mikvah is closed today due to a malfunction,’ making her go back home without fulfilling the mitzvah that day.”

Rav Chaim Levy, Chairman

A luxury mikvah isn’t a luxury

For women in secular and traditional communities sprinkled across the Eretz Yisroel, taharas hamishpacha requires too much sacrifice. Deep down, she knows it’s holy.

She knows the lineage of her children depends on this. She knows she’ll be blessed. 
But it’s just so hard.

Another 40-minute car ride after a long day at work? In a dilapidated mikvah with yellowing tubs? Using unclean showers with cracked tiles and leaking faucets? And, after all that, it wasn’t even kosher?

Sadly, many women go to mikvah only once before their wedding – never to return.

“Everyone has an obligation to do his part to assist in the holy work of Merkaz L'Taharas Hamishpacha.”
The Satmar Rov
Rav Yoel Teitelbaum
“A thousand drashos on the importance of taharas hamishpacha won't help like one beautiful inviting mikvah. Giving tzedakah for a mikvah is the biggest mitzvah in our generation.”
Chazon Ish
“Every Jew should see it as their obligation to assist in establishing mikvaos in every town and village... Those who merit having a portion in this work are very fortunate, as they become partners in building Jewish homes - a merit that lasts eternally.”
The Brisker Rov
Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik
“It is possible to consider permitting the usage of money put aside to print seforim toward building mikvaos due to the terrible lack of kosher mikvaos in Eretz Yisroel…”
Rav Aharon Kotler
“Everyone is obligated to assist this organization, and doing so will be an eternal merit.”
Rav Ovadiah Yosef
“Anyone who fears Hashem and knows the value of this mitzvah which our forefathers risked their lives to fulfill, will stand at the side of this holy organization.”
Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv

Your support makes her sacrifice possible

Today, especially post-October 7, there’s an arousal across Eretz Yisroel. Communities are connecting to Yiddishkeit more than ever before – with dozens of yishuvim, moshavim, and small towns reaching out to Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha to ask:
“Can you build a mikvah for us?”

Every month that they wait is a month lost

With your gift of “טהרה – 219,” you allow them to begin keeping taharas hamishpacha – an investment that makes you a partner in her zechus.

Your gift of “טהרה” strengthens taharas hamishpacha in Eretz Yisroel

When you partner in building mikvaos in Eretz Yisroel, you earn a zechus no other country can give.


It’s not like building a mikvah in a secular American city. Here, each neighborhood is filled with countless Jewish women. As soon as we build, dozens (or even hundreds) of women start using the mikvah immediately.


Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha oversees more than 1,000 mikvaos. That’s thousands of tevillos a night – and you have a zechus in every one.


This is our land, the core and soul of world Jewry. Increasing the kedushah in Klal Yisroel is increasing kedushas Eretz Yisroel, readying us all for Moshiach.

For her family, for your family, for Klal Yisroel

Your steady support is a constant contribution to kedushah, tying your family to the eternal holiness of our nation – providing you and your loved ones with protection and brachos.

“(One who assists this organization) has the merit of saving Jewish souls, which is as great as saving entire worlds… And he will be blessed by Hashem with the fulfillment of all of his heart’s desires and with children who are great in Torah and yiras Shomayim.”
Rav Elazar Menachem Mann Shach
“From the depths of my heart, I ask you to please do all that is in your ability to help and assist them. In reward, you will be fully blessed by being granted all your heart’s desires.”
Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
Nasi of Merkaz L’Taharas Hamishpacha
“The merit of this mitzvah will benefit those who help, for them to be blessed with everything good and to see redemptions and salvation in Yisroel.”
Rav Dov Berish Wiedenfeld
The Tchebiner Rov

Make it easier for her to commit to a lifetime of kedusha – and bring the zechus of her tevillos into Yom Kippur with you

With your gift of “טהרה – 219,” you give women a reason to toivel with ease and bring the merit of purity and holiness into your own life as well.
